#96 – ‘Meat Dad’ Tony Bartleson: Insights, Stories, and the Art of Butchering
In this episode of the Peterson's Farm podcast, Tony Bartleson, also known as Meat Dad, shares his journey and expertise as a butcher, educator, and content creator. Tony talks about the cultural[...]
#95 – Inside the Meat Industry with Todd Winn and Jennifer Tyson
In this episode, representatives from Forum Meat, Todd Winn and Jennifer Tyson, discuss their backgrounds and experiences in the meat industry. They share insights on where meat comes from, the challenges[...]
“What if everything you think about food was proven wrong?” – CarnivoreRay
In this episode of the Pederson's Farms podcast, Neil Dudley interviews Carnivore Ray, who follows a carnivore diet consisting of only meat, eggs, and seafood. Ray shares his journey of how he[...]
#94 – Pitmaster Lee Ann Whippen
Recorded at the World Food Championships, Neil interviews Lee Ann Whippen, a seasoned pitmaster with over 25[...]
It never ends
Passion never die. It grows
Stay Hungry and Strong
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